- Basic facts
Our main tasks
- activate local actors to develop their living and working environment
- help local actors to start and accomplish projects that aim at the above developments
- grant Leader-funding to projects
- promote Leader-method and rural development in all relevant connections
Operational area
The operational area of LAG Riverside Partners is situated in South-West Finland. It includes eight municipalities:
- Aura
- Koski tl
- Loimaa
- Marttila
- Oripää
- Pöytyä
- Somero
- Tarvasjoki (part of municipality of Lieto)
The Board
The association has a nine member board. The members come from three different groups: the board has three member who represent rural residents, three members who represent associations and micro enterprises and the members who represent local municipalities.
The board selects in its monthly meetings the projects that will get funding. The association has established the criteria for selection the projects in its local strategy. After the board has selected projects, they are submitted to the regional authority which gives the official approval for the projects.