LAG Riverside Partners’ Association’s activities are based on so called local strategy. The strategy is called Good life in thriving countryside and it outlines the priorities for how Leader funding is allocated for different projects.

Vision for the year 2021

The actors in the area have been able to make best out of the reformed structures of the society. At the same time they have been able to preserve area’s rural way of living, distinctive identity and the active way of doing things locally. The residents and enterprises are known for their high level of activity and good cooperation skills. They are also known for actively improving their living conditions.

Priorities of the strategy

  1. Strengthening sense of community and possibility to have an influence on one’s living conditions
    • Actors in the area maintain and increase sense of community through existing as well as new methods.
    • Actors in the area improve their living conditions through traditional village activities as well as through new innovative methods.
  2. Maintaining and improving the nature environment and cultural heritage in the area
    • Local actors’ appreciation towards area’s nature environment increases. In order to maintain and improve the nature environment, especially projects carried out in cooperation between third, public and private sector are funded.
    • Area’s businesses are able to include the local nature environment more and more in their activities in sustainable way.
    • Local actors’ appreciation towards area’s cultural heritage increases. All local actors participate in maintaining cultural heritage.
  1. Micro enterprises as major asset of the countryside
    • Business grants give significant leverage for business activities of area’s micro enterprises.
    • Services that are essential for area’s residents, enterprises and associations are preserved and diversified.
    • Micro enterprises’ innovations get through to the production phase.